Need Emegency Plumbing Services? Give Us A Call: 7046008350

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You’ve plunged and plunged!

You’ve used every DIY clogged drain remedy.

You’ve cleared the shelf at the local hardware store of drain cleaners and nothing is working.

You just can’t get the water to drain.

If your sinks are not draining, it’s time to call a plumber.

Our team at Just in Time Plumbing can help you.

Give us a call! 704-600-8350

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How often should I have have my drains cleaned?

Ideally, an annual cleaning will prevent build up or damage that leads to clogged drains.

The next answer depends on how much grease or foreign objects have gone down your drain.

After an accidental flush of a toy car or a clogged garbage disposal, the next likely cause after hair, is grease build up.

Grease and greasy foods build up over time

The grease may be runny when you pour it down the drain. However, it cools on the way to your septic or sewer service line. As a result, as the grease cools, it hardens and sticks to whatever is closest. Over time, the grease can fully clog your pipes. Whether it is only heavy grease build up or a grease wall that restricts waste from passing, you will notice your sinks don’t drain like they used to.

You can avoid this by putting used grease in the trash.

TIP: Allow the grease to cool. Scrape into an empty butter dish, a restaurant take-out container or a bag and toss.

Don’t put that in there!

As we mentioned above, using your garbage disposal could also be the culprit of your clogged drain. Garbage Disposals are very useful but are not good for your drain when you process hard objects. For example, burnt matter or stringy produce like celery. These can get stuck in your sewer line and cause major back ups.

And, if you have a crack or split in your line, the debris can get caught and cause serious problems.

Having an annual sewer line inspection using our drain cameras will show erosion or damage before it becomes a larger plumbing problem. You don’t want waste leaking under your home sending unpleasant smells radiating throughout your living space. Your curtains, fabric furniture and clothes can absorb the smell.

Drain Cleaners from the store?

clogged-drain-emergency-plumber  Maybe . . .

If your drain is not completely stopped up, you can give this a try.

However, if it is a foreign object, a thick wall of grease or a root that has penetrated your drain line, this option will not work.

Using too many chemicals and DIY, home remedies for unclogging your sink will damage your lines over time. Chemical erosion can lead to holes or cracks so use with caution.

So that’s why we only recommend using drain cleaner if your drain is running slow, or for very limited drain maintenance.

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Definitely clogged?

For tough clogs, have your drains and sewer line cleaned by your friendly, local plumber, Just in Time Plumbing.

Day or night, we are committed to solving your plumbing problems quickly and affordably.

Save our number in your phone : 704-600-8350

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